Pray to every god in existance.
Like my teacher once said: "The test will be in pairs between God and you.If you're atheist you'll do it alone."
The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:[quote]Pray to every god in existance.
Like my teacher once said: "The test will be in pairs between God and you.If you're atheist you'll do it alone."
The distinguished banjo2 spake:[quote]The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:<blockquote>Pray to every god in existance.
Like my teacher once said: "The test will be in pairs between God and you.If you're atheist you'll do it alone."
The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:The distinguished banjo2 spake:The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:<blockquote>Pray to every god in existance.
Like my teacher once said: "The test will be in pairs between God and you.If you're atheist you'll do it alone."
But seriously, one thing is to underline the important-looking statements, then review what you've underlined. Really helped me.</blockquote>
I'll probably use all this for my entrance exam I'll have in a few weeks. <3
Pfttt just get the answers and you'll pass for sure ya know?
Only if you get caught :p
The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:[quote]The distinguished banjo2 spake:
Pfttt just get the answers and you'll pass for sure ya know?
Also what's an enterance exam?
The distinguished oswaldo123 spake:[quote]The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:<blockquote>The distinguished banjo2 spake:
Pfttt just get the answers and you'll pass for sure ya know?
Also what's an enterance exam?