Today, the Congressional leaders of the US finally decided on a course of action regarding our monstrously high national debt--they're going to raise the debt debt ceiling (how much debt we can legally accumulate) even higher in order to prevent the disaster that would happen if we defaulted on that debt, all $14.3 Trillion of it....
So what are your thoughts on this? Fears? Let's hear 'em.
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
This bill does raise how much the US can legally borrow, but also will 1) slash trillions off federal spending - with $1 trillion over the course of ten years, 2) introduce a congressional committee devoted to recommending at least $1.5 trillion in further reductions, and 3) an additional automatic trillion cut if those recommendations go unapproved by 2012 (exception only if a Constitutional amendment concerning the budget is proposed and sent to states for approval). Areas being looked at are public works, defense, and changes to the tax code.
@Equinox7 Thing is, we're so deep in this was essentially the only viable option. If we defaulted o all that debt, well we'd be screwed in, well, every area.
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
Many congressional leaders have been saying that this will lower America's AAA rating to just AA, and it will boost unemployment to around 50%. Some have even said defaulting would've been a better choice. I don't know if that's true, but that's what I've been hearing.
Hmm... Defaulting would be like wiping the slate clean and starting anew, but also like smashing the slate with a sledgehammer multiple times. We can either delay the inevitable and dig deeper, or smash the cap and go into a bit of trouble right now, for the long-run's benefit. I think.
Whoa bro, better slow down bro, don't wanna be a bro, bro.