@Moulder Try keeping things like that to a single post.
I haven't been to Cade in quite some time. I used to be pretty prominent there (well, as prominent as you could be on a chat box), but I don't remember the Admins being really abusive. The reason it died was due to a lack of updates, the absence of Admins such as BadCompany, ReiEXE, and the like, and the more or less complete abandonment of the site by its owner. Assuming he's the one who owns the 3DSCade domain, I really hope Jerason learns from the (several) mistakes he made with DSiCade.
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
As infrequent as updates are, I do have to applaud the owner for continuing to pay the host all these years. Cade pretty much hardly ever goes down or gets suspended, and stability is good.
But the, "Admins can ban you as long as they want" deal isn't really fun. Being banned there is like them kicking you from the site. D:
Yeah, it is, and there's no balance of anything there. I do like SB more than the chats that I've seen at really anyplace other than dsidie... But I really dont think I'm ever going to get unbanned.