There's been a good amount of buzz on the website about the upcoming Saviis, so I thought I would go into a little detail on progress and plans...
FINAL PLANS: The Saviis will be customizable avatars, kind of like the Miis or characters in The Sims or Spore. You will be able to choose body builds, face shapes, mouths, eyes, noses, eye brows, hair, clothes, and accessories. Many of these will be customizable in color using gradient color pickers. A painting or built-in image will be used as a background. This editor is compatible with the Wii, iPhones, iPods, and iPads. It will also work on most Web browsers on computers.
The Saviis will only be shown from the upper chest to the top of the head, so they look like portrait shots. The final saved form will be a 60x80 PNG image, but they will be editable at any time.
Each Savii will get a name and a bio, making them almost members of the website. Saviis will be usable in blogs, HullBreach Online, the upcoming game show app, profiles, and many other places.
During special times of the year there will be add-on packs made available. Other add-on packs will be unlockable for achievements on the website.
10 active Saviis will be available per member account, which will be enough for most members. We will be offering micro-transactions of $1.00 per additional 10 active Saviis for an account with no limit to the maximum number.
There will be a new admin type called "Savmins" to remove inappropriate bios, names, and backgrounds. All the Savmins have already been chosen, as they are also the beta testers.
The editor is about 2/3 done. Saving will probably be ready today. We will not be releasing the Savii editor until Savant and I feel that there is enough content. (The planned amount will be so much that we are splitting parts into sub-categories.)
I've partially built out the code for inserting Saviis into blogs. Support for other apps will come later in the year.
That's an early alien one I made a few years ago before we added tons of content to the Saviis. The alien is using the lightest skin color. All color pickers have a possibility of 80 different colors. There are color pickers for skin, hair, hair streaks, eyes, eye shadow, lips, and eyebrows.