The distinguished COMMANDER spake:[quote]Ted Nugent!
The distinguished Skittles spake:[quote]Most people here seem unaware of the fact that -for some users - actually updating all the necessary database tables to replace your old username with your new one could amount to thousands or tens of thousands of alterations across multiple tables:
Chatroom posts, tWiiter, HB Online, User table, Profile, Profile comments, Blogs, Blog Comments, Forum threads, Forum posts, Paintings, Polls, Poll votes, Photos, Photo Albumns, Photo Albumn comments, Sprites, Game highscores, OverlorDS, Groups, Group Shouts, Group Requests, (eventually) TMJ, TMJ Items.
That's not a set of SQL queries HullBreach is going to want to be running often, which is why it is and should be left to him.
The distinguished COMMANDER spake:[quote]The distinguished EpicArtifex spake:<blockquote>I have no idea what the BSA is, but not letting gays into an organisation for no reason other than that they're gay is dumb in any circumstance.
The distinguished Quesadilla spake:[quote]Isn't BSA filled with young boys, like 8 thru 13 year olds? Why are boys claiming they're gay that age? They shouldn't ban gays from anywhere, but do you see the point I'm tryna make here?
I have no idea what the BSA is, but not letting gays into an organisation for no reason other than that they're gay is dumb in any circumstance.
The distinguished Mavric spake:[quote]Dear jsa,
<br>The government spends to much money on sports.
So yea, remember how you guys said it wouldnt get passed?
<br>Guess what.
<br>It got passed.
<br>Say goodbye to your freedom.