Yeah, the member's list stretches the group page too much. Maybe a feature so you can make other people able to delete comments, members, etc? Or a feature that lets the group owner make a poll that actually stands out?
The most convenient improvement would be to place the whole shoutbox above the memberlist (and the comment box at the top of the shoutbox) so that scrolling can be saved.
-Group Admins/Helpers: can invite/delete people from the group, delete shouts, and can be demoted if neccesary.
-Either increase the number of visible shouts or lengthen the box.
That's all I can think of as of now.
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
I like the alert or mail idea, mail preferrably though because I check alerts right away because most are urgent and that will cause people to not see the important ones
I'm not saying you're fat... but if i had to choose the 5 fattest people i know, you'd be 3 of them.