What if the event that is mentioned is one of great peril and death to thousands? Then should u cry because it's over or smile because it happens? If yes than i suggest you get some help. If no then your point is null. Basically this is the most uncontimplated status i've seen for a long time and next time you post a status, consider all aspects of it and what could be misunderstood about it. 3/10 ;D
Well i guess it would help but the thing is, if we have to many buttons around the site; we would be confused. Also, the site isnt especially made for PCs. anyway its for your benefit so what ever you want to suggest, ask hullbreach
Confused??? Those people who would be confused should work on strengthening their brain capacity... JUST SAYIN!
I don't think this is a bad thing besides damage to the eyes and that doesn't even effect your eyes too much more than normal books. Book stores are being replaced with virtual book stores and the jobs are being replaced.