

Created from Blario's DNA, Bluigi exists to stop Blario at all costs. The reason for humanity's continued existence is due to Bluigi. When Blario appeared to Miyamoto in his dreams to corrupt him, Bluigi appeared to ward him off, inspiring the creation of Luigi. While Bluigi loves humanity and desires to protect us, he grows weaker by the day. Blario's influence is growing and Bluigi is starting to get forgotten by humanity. It is said that when Bluigi is completely forgotten, he will disappear from this realm, allowing Blario to initiate the nuclear war. Never forget. We all have a bit of Bluigi in our hearts.

By Otakuruk
Avatar R1N1K4
at 28 Nov 2023 07:25
Quick!! Everyone, give him strength!
Avatar Louis
at 14 Jul 2023 06:02
Please save me bluigi :,( blario iis coming to my house to delete all of my save files on my 3ds!!!
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