I would be lying if I pretended that this past year wasn't horrible for me in countless ways (that's actually an understatement), but every cloud has it's SoulSilver lining, and birthdays are supposed to be happy occasions, so I will try to keep the negativity in this blog to a minimum.
(Which I'm finding is easier said then done, with my dad in the same room as me.)
Although I appreciate my dad allowing me to continue to log in here on Paint after he busted me last year by rummaging through my mother's e-mails, the fact of the matter is that it has only made all of the aforementioned problems even worse, and until I am able to live as a free, independent adult, I will always be at a "disadvantage", as my dad puts it.
(I'm well aware of these problems, but I don't think that just "marching right out the door" is necessarily the correct course of action, as some, including my dad, might suggest.)
Anyway, things only got worse when Mom's BlackBerry broke earlier this year, but it (along with some problems with my dad's computer, and his ability to access the Internet) is what ultimately led him to let my mom start using her new phone (which handles webpages better than her old BlackBerry did), and also to him pulling out an old, unused tablet of his, which brings me to that "SoulSilver lining" that I had mentioned earlier.
(And yes, I've been playing a lot of SoulSilver Version lately, lol!)
You see, going forward, I intend on going into far more detail about the points that I try to make in my blogs, and also provide actual examples of me applying the advice that I offer in my blogs, not only in detailed hypothetical battle scenarios, but also in actual battles against human opponents (probably on Showdown, now that that's an option for me), in order to address the potential concerns of my critics.
This doesn't necessarily mean that I will wind up agreeing with my critics about everything, mind you, but I intend on addressing their criticism with detailed factual information to explain my perspective, and providing real world examples of me practicing what I preach whenever possible, rather than just rambling on semi-coherently like I have in the past.
(Hopefully this will invite more constructice criticism, as it is something that I am finding it increasingly difficult to find lately.)
Anyway, I edited this blog a lot as I was typing it, and I found a lot of that happiness and enthusiasm that I felt when I was first writing it (on paper, on July 4th) rapidly fading after I logged in, and experienced several unexpected reminders of just how crummy my life is ATM. (Thanks Dad.)
I had wanted to mention that these are bad times that I (and many others, for lots of different reasons) are going through RN, but that as Katrina (the fortuneteller from Animal Crossing) would say, "bad times are just times that are bad", and that all of the sadness, powerlessness, and frustration that I feel RN will be gone once I am free from this place, and don't have to live (or write) under these ridiculous circumstances that I am under now, which greatly limit everything that I can do.
Still, I am still alive, I still have the ability to get online every now and then, I still have friends, and despite the lack of any meaningful progress IRL, there have been some hopeful signs, and new doors that were previously closed are now open to me.
Didn't see this blog until you 're well offline, so I'd like to wish you a belated birthday!
With all that's happpened, I'm more than happy to see you still alive and kicking every once in a while here on Paint. Since you rarely come online now, it really is a treat when you show up.
13 Sep 2021 08:22
In reply to GuiedGui
Thanks! If I have any say in the matter, you'll be seeing a lot more of me in the near future! (Dad seems to be being pretty generous lately.)
14 Sep 2021 05:57
In reply to Draconid_Jo