Welcome to the official album trading page! If you want to be a part of the trades, don't hesitate to ask!
Must have a filled out Music Profile to participate in the album trading.
Must participate in song trade at least ONCE to be allowed to participate in album trades.
Cannot be participating in song trade the same week as album trade.
~How it works~
After listing the participants, I'll send you a message telling you who you'll be sharing an album with. So it'll be 1oo% random.
You'll then go to their Music Profile, & find some info on what the person's taste in music, so that you can see what you like that can appeal to them.
After everyone has chosen an album to give to their designated member to listen, I'll distribute the albums.
Also, you won't be knowing whose album you'll be listening to.
You'll have a week to listen to the music, which I feel would be enough time for everyone.
You'll also also have to choose a level.
Level 1 is where you listen to a small portion of the album.
If an album has;
5 songs or less, you need to listen to at least 2 songs.
10 songs or less, you need to listen to at least 4 songs.
15 songs or less, you need to listen to at least 6 songs.
20 songs or less, you need to listen to at least 9 songs.
& so on & so forth...
This is for the people who don't have as much time, or dislike the album.
For that reason, PLEASE read your designated listener's Music Profile. Find out what they like, & what they dislike. See if you two have anything in common & share according to their preferences.
Level 2 is where you listen to the entire album. Every song at least once.
After you've chosen your level & listened to the music, you will fill out the thoughts formats (shown below), & send it to me in a message.
When the week ends, the results will be posted here along with the round number.
The event occurs once a month.
Previous round participants are automatically set into the next round, unless otherwise requested.
Otherwise, only fill out the following if you're going for level 1;
Song #1-X rating; 0-10 rating per song in the album that you have listened to.
Song #1-X thoughts (optional); obvious.
Round 1 3/1/20-3/8/20
Gemini Guardian
Rlad116 thoughts on album given by Gemini Guardian (Love Overflows by DREAMS COME TRUE)
This is it! You're the one! I knew it! - 8/10
24/7 - 6/10
Flowers - 5/10
One Yesterday - 5/10
The First Day Without You - 5/10
Dreams Come True - 5/10
Chrysalis or Butterfly - 5/10
Before Now - 5/10
Love Overflows - 5/10
Love Love Love - 5/10
I think she sounds better in Japanese which is why the overall album gets a 54/100
StarLien7 thoughts on album given by Skeptical (Love Me Right (Second Album Repackage) by EXO)
Since I like this type of music it was pretty nice and it had some nice melodies,but I'm pretty sure who ever gave me this album is a fan of exo.
Favorite song: I can't decide between first love and hurt,but probably hurt.
Beautiful 4.5/10
El Dorado 6/10
Call me baby 5/10
Love me right 5.5/10
Exodus 4.5/10
First love 6.5/10
Hurt 7/10
Finrod thoughts on album given by OxygenDeficient (Barren Dominion by VOID KING)
Overall: Not a fan of doom metal, some of the instrumental parts are admittedly good, but it kind of gets a little dull when it�s the same slow guitar riffs + singing style for the whole album. Very repetitive, the combination of slow guitar riffs + drums feel long and sound the same. The intros are good, I can�t dig the rest of the song after the intro though, It just doesn�t hold up all the way. Wish they would switch up the writing style lol. But I know that�s just how this genre of metal works tho. Take all of these scores with a grain of salt. 5/10.
Favorite-Learning from the ashes.
Lucid Omega-This beginning is hella heat, a pretty nice way to start an album. Rest of it is kinda same-ish, nothing i haven�t said before. I like the bass and the singers crescendos at about 5:40. Score: 5.5/10
Leftover savages- Not much to say that I haven�t criticized about before, not a fan of this style really. 4/10
Burn at both ends- Has a cool wavy intro, Singers solo at the end is alright 5/10
Of Whip and Stead- Drums put in work this song, and a very neat guitar solo! 6/10 one of the better songs.
Temples made of bone- Very long song that�s all I�m gonna say.. Score: 4/10
Learning from the Ashes- Love that they switched it up a bit here, a more different emotional intro and then back to the usual. The unison of the guitar and the singer is actually beautiful at certain points. But I still don�t prefer this particular singing style xD You can actually feel different changes in volume in this song compared to the others, which don�t feel as dull after a while. Score: 6.5/10
Crippled Chameleon- The singer upped his game in this one. Still not a fan of the repetitiveness. Score: 4.5/10
The longest winter-Same old same old. 4/10
Gemini Guardian thoughts on album given by Finrod (Meteora by Linkin Park)
overall; 9/10 will listen again
at first i didn't really like it-- at all. i almost traded albums with someone else because of how much i h a t e d it so much at first lol.
but as i kept relistening, i grew to really like the singer's voice (i think there are two singers, but i'm not sure).
i still don't like the random yelling/screeching,,,, oops
favourites; lying from you, faint, breaking the habit. the one thing that made me like these above the others is the "violin-like" sounds. dunno what the instrument (?) is,,,, or if it's even that, but i really liked that.
edit; i also really like numb
Foreword- ok/ok
it's an intro
Don't Stay- 8/10
Somewhere I Belong- 8/10
Lying From You- 9/10
Hit The Floor- 7/10
Easier To Run- 7/10
Faint- 9/10
Figure.09- 6/10
Breaking The Habit- 10/10
b ro the next 4 songs broke on my mp3, so i didn't listen to them/forgot about them until the very second that i'm uploading the results lo l
so i sped through them...
From The Inside- 7/10
Nobody's Listening- 5/10
Session- instruments/instruments
so is this a break session for the singer(s)?
it's one of those songs that i'd listen to at night to relax/fall asleep.
really nice
Numb- 9/10
OxygenDeficient thoughts on album given by StarLien7 (The Princess Weiyoung OST)
Favourite song; None of them, unfortunately.
Song #1-4 rating; I liked them all about the same so they all get the same rating of about 2/10
Song #1-4 thoughts; Unfortunately I don't like slow music. At all. I planned to listen to the whole thing but just really didn't like any of it enough to listen to almost half an hours worth of it. I liked some of the backing instruments. But other than that it was eh for me. Music was too slow, I have no clue whats being sung about, which I mean I have songs I like that aren't in English, but when you add on the slow tempo, the lack of intensity or sounds I like made it not an enjoyable experience. The songs aren't b a d, but they're very much n o t my thing.
Skeptical thoughts on album given by Rlad116 (Momento Mori by Gemini Syndrome)
[was too busy to listen to the album, so he had to drop out]
Round 2 4/12/20-4/19/20
Gemini Guardian
OxygenDeficient thoughts on album given by Gemini Guardian (red vs blue Season 10 OST by Jeff Williams)
Overall rating; 8/10
Overall thoughts; I pretty much liked all of the songs in this, it was good, would listen again. There were only a handful that I didn't particularly like but it was stuff I could get over like the vocals. There were only like 2 out of the whole thing that I 100% didn't like and wouldn't listen to again, so ayyyy the rest was pretty lit then.
Favourite song; Mental Meta Metal
Fragments- Pretty good, I think I'd like it better either without the vocals at all or if there were a different singer. The singer who starts the song off is okay but his voice feels too high pitched for the instrumental. The guy who does the fast almost rapping bit fits really well with the instrumental though, I like his part. 5/10
The More- Eh, another one where I like the instrumental but not the vocals. The singers voice fits fine with the instrumental, I just don't really like how he sings. It's like almost rap, but also not quite. I don't really know what it is. But I don't really like it. 4/10
Now That We've Come so Far- Again, really like the instrumental, do not like the vocals. The singer fits I guess with the instrumental, the voice doesn't feel too high pitched or low pitched or anything. I just don't like the voice. 4/10
Terrify!- Out of all the songs with vocals, this one is my favorite. I didn't like the singers voice at first, but it grew on me. This song is probably like my third favorite overall. 7/10
Terminate- I have similar reasons for disliking this one as I had for The More, but for some reason I can tolerate the vocals more in this one and I actually kind of like it. 6/10
Worst Lock Picker Ever- It's background music, I don't have much else to say, it does it's job as background music. 5/10
Space Battle- Like Worst Lock Picker Ever this one's also pretty much just background music, but I'd be more willing to listen to it on it's own. It has more going on, I especially like where it starts to pick up around the 44 second mark. 6/10
Heroic Entrance- I don't really have anything to say about this one, it's literally only 45 seconds long. 4/10
C.T.- I really like how this one starts and ends and I kind of wish it were longer. It's pretty good. 5.5/10
Debris Field- I don't like the start of this one, since it's mostly just ambience really, but once the music actually kicks in, it's very nice. 6.5/10
The Darkness of C.T.- I like the beginning of this one more than anything, but it's still good. 5/10
Ouch- I really like this one, I wish it were longer since it's like 54 seconds. 7/10
Land of Enemies- Out of the songs with no vocals this one is my second favorite it's also my second favorite overall. It's very good, I also wish it were longer since it's only like a minute. 9/10
Welcome to Maine- Of course I really like this one. But it's also super short and I wish it were longer. 8/10
Mental Meta Metal- This one is literally my favorite. For obvious reasons, I'm sure everyone can figure out why. 10/10
Mystery Blue Guy- This one's really good too, but it's so short. A lot of these ones I like I wish were longer, this one included. 8/10
Pray- Out of all the songs with vocals, this one is my all time least favorite. I really didn't want to finish it, but I did. I'm not even sure what I disliked about it so much, but I just really did not like it. 1/10
Training Room Showdown- This ones kind of just meh to me. I don't particularly like it, I don't particularly dislike it. It's music. 4/10
Suit up/Partners in Crime- This one is like two different bits of music put together and both are super short. I like them. That's really all I have to say. 4/10
Message From C.T.- I don't like the first minute of this one, it's slow and just kinda meh. I like it more once the music picks up but it's still not great. 4.5/10
Tex vs Tank- This is another one that I really like, I just wish it were longer. 6/10
Your Catch- I also wish this one was longer, cause it's fucking rad but it's only 21 seconds. 7/10
Twins- I'm running out of ways to say I like this, but I wish it were longer. 7.5/10
Ballet Breakup- Another one I don't really care for. It's not bad, but it's slow so I'm not that into it. It works for the scene it was in though. 4/10
Freelancer Implosion- This is my third favorite overall, it's good. I like it. 8/10
100 Tex Battle- I really like this one too, honestly if it wasn't so short it'd probably beat out Freelancer Implosion as my third favorite. 8/10
Finding the Director- This is the other song I just, didn't like at all. It works for the scene it's supposed to be in, but eh on it's own I don't like it. It's like 4 straight minutes of really slow music and I just really don't care for it. 2/10
That's how Voting Works- I don't know what this even was, but I love it. 9/10
Come on Carolina- That was a song. I literally do not remember these last two and I watched like all of Season 10 and I'm almost certain I would have. But uh yea. It's a song. I kind of cringed at some of the lyrics. 5/10
Forever- It's another slow song so ehh, I didn't particularly like it. It has lyrics though so it's got that going for it and out of all the songs with vocals, I think this one has a singer that fits best with the music. 3/10
Gemini Guardian thoughts on album given by GuiedGui (Ascend by Pogo)
overall album rating; 4/10
overall album thoughts;
most of the songs were just *alright*
i only really liked two of them or so.
to me all, if not most of these songs can be summed up as "fancy drum beat + vocal samples remixed into music" along with some uhhh electronic (?) sounds as instruments. which was a disappointment, because i just like listening to instruments man
these kinds of songs are better for background music-- not something to jam to. because they're not that interesting to listen to on their own, since they get so repetitive & it gets boring quick
favourite song;
soul shine 4/10
the piano in the beginning is nice. but i didn't really like the-- singing? or whatever you call those kinds of vocals.
likes 3/10
same thoughts as above, nice beat but the vocals weren't nice to listen to at all.
boy & bear 6/10
the samples & how they were used was quite nice, other than that, nothing special.
grow fonder 6/10
same as above.
take those pills 5/10
take those pills man
also am i crazy or did i hear someone in the background say "bow chicka"
flux 5/10
i like the vocals that came in at around the 40 second mark. the other vocals were e h. i loved the piano at the start/end
rain on my windscreen 6/10
the rain sounds were nice. but then the vocals came in and ruined the ambience. g a h h h h. they eventually sound nicer as the bass effect on them (???????) goes away, but i dunno man. it was a good length, didn't drag on for too long, which is great
carpet ride 4/10
i noticed that this artist likes to distort the samples/overlap them. it's getting v e r y repetitive, & i'm losing interest at this point. donald duck makes a cameo so that's nice. also WHAT AN ENDING
she 9/10
the vocals/samples whatever the heck they're called saved this song. i really wanna know where they're from-- i'm a lot more interested in that than the song.. also one of the samples is in portuguese. that probably has to do with the samba-esque beat/themes that popped up at times. i really liked the calm atmosphere it gave off. it also had INSTRUMENTS. would definitely listen to this again.
big tree 6/10
it sounds like a CHRISTMAS movie but if it was put into a vaporwave-like song
wave 8/10
i somehow forgot what a piano sounded like, & couldn't for the life of me figure out if it was a piano or a synth that was playing in the back during this with the harp. i would listen to it at 3am to relax honestly.
purge 5/10
foghorn at the start, which is interesting. the samples are nice too.
& R2D2's beeping there in the background
unicorns 4/10
it's a l r i g h t. i like how it's not too long so it doesn't drag out-
release 5/10
i mean it's just ambience music, so, it's nice i guess. & with this, i am released from writing this album review
GuiedGui thoughts on album given by Rlad116 (W_Hole by Tiasu)
Hole - 6/10
This song gives me "Size of the Universe" vibes. At the beginning, the harmonization and the virtuostic arpeggios are cool. The growls start to get repetitive after a while, though.
Stolen - 8/10
Significantly more harmonic. I like the interesting turns this song took.
Hidden Demon - 9/10
This song is really neat in that it's really melodic and has Geometry Dash vibes.
Entangled - 7/10
Just seemed a tad bit lacking for some reason. Still a bop nonetheless.
Avoid - 5/10
It's literally the opening song with some extra gimmicks. Moderate banger, but kind of underwhelming given the other songs in the album.
Divided - 9/10
I can only presume the song's split in two because it's a pun. Ha. I also like the song in general: the melodies, the harmonies, the choice of instruments.
Void - 6/10
This song has a janky, but working, melody. Also quite metal. Sounds like something that I would improv accidentally. Not bad overall.
Twisted - 9.5/10
I like this song since it has virtuosic sections with a nice dash of metal.
Vanquished Foe - 7/10
Pretty good song with the same elements as previous songs.
Protected - 7/10
Also a pretty good song. Slightly different things going on in this song, which makes this a unique bop in this album.
Whole - 4/10
This song pretty much sounds like the first song in the album, but much more chaotic. I like order in my music, so this doesn't fit my style.
Overall - 7/10
I think this album was pretty good in individual songs, but I don't think I would listen to the entire album on a regular basis. My favorite song out of the song is definitely Twisted since it has a lot of the elements of songs that I enjoy.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Rlad116 thoughts on album given by OxygenDeficient (Blasterpiece by Bear Ghost)
It was okay overall.
Album gets a 75/100 all the songs transitioned together we'll however I couldn't tell the songs apart which is why I don't have a favorite song.
Round 3 8/16/20-8/23/20
Gemini Guardian
Rlad116 thoughts on album given by Gemini Guardian (MFZB by Zebrahead)
Rescue Me: 10/10 I eerily recognize the band and thoroughly enjoyed the song.
Over the Edge: 8/10 Kinda mooshes together with a bunch of other songs on the album
Strength: Meh 4/10 mooshed together and was boring
Hello Tomorrow: This is why I recognized them!! 10/10 I love this song
The Set-Up: 6/10 Trying not to give piss poor ratings buttttt meh
House is Not my Home: 6/10 Not a bad song but same as the previous review a little bit
Into You: yikes 4/10
Alone: Something new!!! 9/10 Reminds me of good ol angsty scream rock
Expectations: 7/10
Falling Apart: 7/10 I'm running out of comments for this album, it seems like the same guitar rift over and over and over
Let it Ride: 2/10 please make it stop
Type A: 10/10 If I try!!!!!! pretty good song
Runaway: 2/10 Are the lyrics different from the rest of the songs?
Dear You (Far Away): 10/10 Felt that shit, all the feels
The Fear: 10/10 Maybe I just like it when he yells?
Bonus songs (that weren't on the album *looking sideways emoji*)
Surrender: this is a cover? 5/10
Good Things: 6/10
Dissatisfied: 7/10 they really out here giving Japan exclusive bonus songs
Overall album Thoughts
Was this a bad album? No. Would I recommend it as an album? No. however, there are some pretty songs on this album, and because of that I will still look into this artist and listen to their other albums to find more good songs.
(also I'm sorry for submitting late I'm sorry) (
Gemini Guardian thoughts on album given by Rlad116 (Ringo's Desert by ZHU)
Overall rating; 2/10
Overall thoughts; the majority of these songs were so repetitive & just,, boring, i couldn't even come up with much to say about most of these songs. like, yeah, the samples & sounds were interesting to hear for a few seconds, but like, 3+ minutes each? nah, no thanks. some songs had unique elements, but otherwise i don't remember what over half of these sound like immediately after listening. they all just mesh together into some weird edm mess. i also really dislike his voice.
Favourite song; Coming Home
Stormy Love, NM.
the atmosphere was quite interesting-- like it felt i was in some large empty building in the middle of the wild west. i really liked the vocalist for this song, she fit really well. 6/10
Still Want U
Guilty Love
hey at least the 'guitar in the distance' thing was interesting 2/10
Desert Woman
i wish they did more with the guitar, that's when the music gets interesting for like, a few seconds 2/10
Burn Babylon
Save Me
Ghost In My Bed
ok now this one turns this album interesting again. the guitar with the whistling is pretty cool-- it adds to the "wild west" thing the first song had going on. his voice doesn't really fit for the most part but eh, whatever. too bad it was dragged out. the flute thing at the end was neat 5/10
Love That Hurts
Light It Up
Coming Home
the dude who sang saved this song, if it were anyone else, the song wouldn't sound as well as it does. it also feels really familiar in some places. but other than the vocals, the song feels lackluster, so uhhh 7/10
Waters Of Monaco
nice sax 2/10
My Life
OxygenDeficient thoughts on album given by GuiedGui (Invent the Universe by Sithu Aye)
Overall rating; 9.5/10
Overall thoughts; I'm gonna be 100% honest when I first saw the link in my inbox my intial reaction was "Oh god" cause the title gave me vibes that the album was gonna be something I wasn't going to like at all and I was going to struggle to even get through part of it. I was very pleasantly surprised that this was actually like super good. I apologize I didn't write full thoughts for every song, I really couldnt think of anything to write that wouldn't just end up being "It was good I really liked it" 10 different times lmao. I really liked the guitars though in pretty much all of the tracks, they were usually kind of deep and they sounded really nice.
Whoever sent me this, thank you for giving me more music to add to my giant playlist lmao.
Favourite song; Particles Collide
Invent the Universe- 3/10
Honestly I probably would have given this one a higher rating if it wasn't for the high pitched, I guess beeping...? But it wasn't beeping really, idfk man. Whatever that sound was that was going on through the whole thing. That and it was literally only a minute long.
Grand Unification- 9/10
Expansion- 8/10
Baryogenesis- 10/10
Particles Collide- 10/10
Nucleosynthesis- 5/10
Recombination- 10/10
Dark Age- 10/10
Formation- 10/10
Pale Blue Dot- 6/10
GuiedGui thoughts on album given by OxygenDeficient (DOOM OST)
I could only do level 1 this time around because of how long this is and how darn busy I was this week.
Overall rating: 3/10
Favorite song: the second one
Just not a fan of the Doom OST
Round 4 10/19/20-11/15/20
Gemini Guardian
cdog3789 thoughts on album given by GuiedGui (Classical Gas by Tommy Emmanuel)
The overall raiting that I give if, is a 10/10!!!
I freaking loved this album and listened to it all the time!(over the last week)
I liked it so much, that i may or may not've listened to it when I wasn't supposed to. XD
My favorite song, I think, Is Lewis & Clark.
It wasjust so 'deep', if you know what I mean.
I liked nearly every song equally so it was very hard to choose. :-:
I'm guessing that gui sent me this uwu
If it was someone else, thank you!
StarLien7 thoughts on album given by Rlad116 (Froot by Marina and the Diamonds)
I overall really liked this album but there were some songs that weren't my favorite,but I'll definitely check out her other songs and I enjoyed listening to this album.
It was hard to choose between happy and Savages but in the end I liked happy more.
Happy 9.1/10
I liked it the best and the lyrics were nice.
Froot 8/10
This song makes me feel fancy
I'm a ruin 7/10
I liked the MV
Blue 8/10
Forget 8.5/10
I liked this song and MV was nice and the band was cool
Gold 6/10
I didn't really like this song but it's still pretty good
Can't pin me down 7/10
Solitaire 8.5/10
Another song I really liked and the lyrics are interesting.
Better than that 7/10
Weeds 5.5/10
Probably my least favorite song in the album.
Savages 9/10
Almost my favorite song in the album.
GuiedGui thoughts on album given by Gemini Guardian (Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue by Trocadero)
I mean, this album wasn't really up my alley. Sure, there's songs, but that's all that sticks out to me. If I had to say, this has the ambience of my friend's car when we used to work out together. I'm going to give it 4/10.
If I had to choose a favorite, it would be "Vale Deah". It matches closely that kind of ambience I mentioned the most. To be honest, all the songs just blurred together for me, and nothing really stood out.
Rlad116 thoughts on album given by StarLien7 (Ocean Eyes by Owl City)
Overall Rating: 63/120
Two songs in his voice is already starting to annoy me. I hate to say it but it feels like this entire album follows the same formula. Rinse repeat. Hey look at me new song, here's a metaphor that will last the rest of the song...
Cave In: 4/10 make him stop
The Bird and The Worm: 8/10 At least it's cute
Hello Seattle: 1/10 hello Seattle I am something annoying (sorry)
Umbrella Beach: 9/10 I like the way it sounds, synth synth. It sounds like I'm getting taken on a synth ride and I like
The Saltwater Room: 7/10 Kinda just blended in tbh
Dental Care: 5/10 It's hello Seattle basically but also he's like "I don't drink and drive because it'd ruin my smile and I don't like the dentist", but like. Rhyme or not why would you put that into a song?
Meteor Shower: 4/10 slow intro again. Voice so soft had to turn up my volume what. He ends the song pretty boringly....
On the Wing: 6/10 here's another drawn out intro. Get decent score cause decent instruments, but I really hate his voice sorry
Fireflies: 10/10 I'll always love this song k thx
The Tip of the Iceberg: Once again another song with a metaphor. 7/10 for semi disco
Vanilla Twilight: 1/10 Does he sing?
Tidal Wave: 1/10 It's so monotone
OxygenDeficient thoughts on album given by cdog3789 (The Attack On Titan Season 3 OST)
Song #1-15 thoughts; Most of this was a big meh for me being honest. I didn't particularly like or dislike any of the tracks, except for a few with singing. Didn't care for those at all really. The rest of the instrumental tracks just didn't really do it for me for the most part, I only really liked the more intense parts of them and the rest of it was just, eh. I only really liked 5 of the tracks, mostly cause they were more, idk intense I guess, throughout.
K2- 10/10
Zero Eclipse- 0/10
Symphonic Suite Part 1-1st- 4/10
Symphonic Suite Part 1-2nd- 3/10
Symphonic Suite Part 1-3rd- 3/10
Symphonic Suite Part 1-4th- 3/10
K21- 3/10
AoTs3-3spens- 9/10
Call Your Name- 0/10
Symphonic Suite Part 2-1st- 10/10
Symphonic Suite Part 2-2nd- 3/10
Symphonic Suite Part 2-3rd- 8/10
Symphonic Suite Part 2-4th- 3/10
Symphonic Suite Part 2-5th- 7/10
Symphonic Suite Part 2-6th- 3/10
Gemini Guardian thoughts on album given by OxygenDeficient (DOOM OST)
Overall rating
Overall thoughts
most of this album was very good. i liked the
instruments & such a loooot
some songs were more interesting than others, but, yes
personal opinion & such
though more often than not, i was impressed with the
atmosphere the songs bring. along with the
compositions, considering the limitations at the time.
like yeah sometimes the songs feel "empty" but that's
the whole point i'd guess. like they're not made to be
amazing songs to listen to on their own, they're made
to feel like a place or event.
or so, that's what i get from this album lol i've
never played any of the games & have barely seen any
gameplay at allllll
also if you showed me any random song from this album,
i'd have no idea which one it is lmao there are so
many & i don't know them well enough to tell the
favourite songs IT WAS HARD TO CHOOSE oK
at doom's gate
an intro
At Doom's Gate
iconic song
The Imp's Song
Dark Halls
Kitchen Ace (And Taking Names)
On The Hunt
Demons On The Prey
Sign Of Evil
Hiding The Secrets
Intermission From DOOM
I Sawed The Demons
The Demons From Adrian's Pen
They're Going To Get You
Waltz of the Demons
Nobody Told Me About id
Donna To The Rescue
Deep Into The Code
Facing The Spider
oh my
We Die Young
Man In The Box
Dead and Bloated
Sex Type Thing
Rusty Cage
God Smack
what i wouldn't do to hear all of these songs played
by an orchestra lol