Liked Genres
genres of music you enjoy
Mostly alternative of all sorts. Though also like some rock, not mucn else
Disliked Genres
genres of music you dislike
Most other stuff (hate jazz and dated love songs)
Favorite artists
musical artists you listen to most
SOAD, TØP, AJR, Fall out Boy, Half-Alive, IDKHOW, Panic!, Imagine Dragons and some miscellaneous artists.
Newly Discovered Artists
artists you recently discovered
Favourite Songs
self explanatory
She's like Heroin
Kill Rock n' Roll
Message Man
Leave Me Alone
Viva Las Vengeance
Three Thirty
Three-O-Clock things
Ok, ok?
Aawake at Night
Dull knives
Favourite Sounds
sounds you most enjoy in music
I pay no attention, but when someone does comically exaggerated talking vocals I need to listen to the song more than once.
instruments you play
Again, not much attention payed
tell people more about your music taste here-- not everyone can fill out everything above, hm?
I'm too lazy to explain myself.