@Ppf It's like you've glossed over most of this thread. The fact of the matter is that they're doing this for greed and they're the kind of people who relish in being asswipes. There's no other motive than that.
Free speech is a double edged sword. You're as free to say objectionable things as everyone else is and nobody has the right to silence that. If they were a bunch of ignorant schmoes who rallied against a soldier's funeral, then they'd most likely be detained for some type of misdemeanor charge. Due to the wbc being backed by lawyers, they most likely eploited a loophole which allows them to carry on. It's cruel irony that the soldier died to protect the rights that these people are abusing.
I believe the best course of action would be for any entity to host events in private property. If they know better, and I'm sure they do, the wouldn't tread unless they fancy a lead shower in the name of defense.
I heard wb changed a scene in one of their movies because of this...
Oh, so it's wrong to eat faces?
1st...im not saying lower taxes, im saying tax the upper class.
2nd, I know, it was a personal oppinion, if it were relevant to the subject I wouldn't have added ※p.s.※
Oh. All I saw on the topic was a gif of the simpsons throwing money at someone repetatively.
Because of this, pepper spray guy is a meme!
It does seem a bit idiotic though. People shouting "SHAME" and junk. They actually deserve to get what that one woman got, screaming at that officer. I can see why police are kicking them. What would YOU do if some stranger shouted "THE LORD CAN SEE YOU" while you're trying to do your job?
It's a protest. Like Lulzsec. Just Lulzsec failed to take down facebook today.