Hey, there are a LOT of flaws in designs of consoles here and there... I mean, WiiU??? Oh, let's give you a huge version of a DS so you can play on a tv screen even though the screen is right in front of you. -__-
I can't put a finger on whether Nintendo did this to reaffirm their statements about no 3DS Lite, or to try appealing to low budget and tablet-loving audiences. It looks barely ergonomic, bulky, and heavy. I suppose it could be meant for playing games which are primarily stylus driven while the thing rests on a lap or table. The 2DS's only attractive feature is its price tag, but said price makes the whole design seem like a handicap. Not to mention in a way it values the 3DS's stereoscopic 3D and portability at US$70 (200 minus 130). Probably buyers will be those completionist gamers who bought the Gameboy Micro.Um, no. Watch the 2ds introduction video on youtube, the people on it show it's real size. They didn't go for a clamshell design because it's designed for those kids 5 to 6 years old, and frankly, the hinge on a clamshell device will break eventually in some way, no matter how much you take care of it. And a Kotaku writer who was able to hold the 2ds said that it's lighter than the 3ds xl.
It looks kind of clumsy - if that makes sense. I definitely wouldn't get it, but it would seem okay for a tablet user. Also, it wouldn't be able to shut it to pause any action going on, right?There is a switch to put it into sleep mode.
I'm guessing they're gonna play it out like Star Trek and make a prequel sequel. Everyone all settled in Hyrule once the barrier between Skyloft opened up... but how did the world become so dangerous? Where did the cities go, and why are the only people on the map old men in caves?*narrator voice* Find out next time in The Legend of Zelda!
You could get a Wii U. It's backwards compatible and stuff, so you can play your Wii games too.Xenoblade Chronicles is around $100 used, so I'm sure that would be out of the question.
But in terms of best Wii games, Xenoblade, Last Story, Skyward Sword, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby Return To Dreamland, Muramasa, No More Heroes 1 and 2, MadWorld, Metroid Prime 3 (Metroid Prime Trilogy is better, but it's hard to find.) Rayman Origins, New Super Mario, Battalion Wars 2, any of the Resident Evils, Wario Land, any of the Mario Sports or Parties, Super Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros Brawl, etc.
I pretty much just outlined the essentials to any Wii library. There are definitely more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
It's actually from the game n. as n+ was the sequel. So...yeahYea, but n is a flash game, so it's not as known.
The worst game I'd gotten was from a relative called Myst. It was really creepy because when you put a special piece of paper over a page in some book a weird man apears and asks, "Who are you?" I had no idea how to use the keypad. The book was someone's journal on how they met and befriended some strange creatures. Then, you have to move some strange device to make the bridge appear in order to get onto a ship. I couldn't figure out how to turn the dial thing to get off the island. All in all, I think this is by far the worst game I've got because it's too complex and poorly designed.You don't appreciate good puzzle games, do you? And you aren't even supposed to use the keyboard. The entire world is a puzzle, which is something more games now-a-days should have. They game OMG actually makes you use your brain!