Well here I am, in my 28th year of life and my 23rd year of playing Pokémon, but I haven't really played much Pokémon since my 2DS died almost 2 years ago now, other than a little bit in my Gen 4 and 5 games on my semi-functional DS Lite. (Bit hard to try for a 200 win streak at Battle Tower when your system could shut off at any moment though, due to the hinge that connects the two halves of it being damaged on the right hand side.)
When I first came here to Paint back in 2019, Pokémon was pretty much the only game I was playing at the time, not because I am obsessed with Pokémon (although I most certainly am), but because every game system here other than my DS Lite and my 2DS was inaccessible and/or broken at that time, which (combined with a lack of DS and 3DS games that weren't Pokémon here) literally meant the only things that I could play were my various handheld Pokémon game and my copy of MySims Racing for the DS, and when my 2DS broke in 2020 it limited my options even more. (And things have more or less stayed that way ever since then.)
Given how playing video games was always one of the only things that I was ever actually allowed to do in life for enjoyment, it should come as a surprise to nobody here that I have been trying to fill the void created in my life by my newfound inability to play video games by spending more time online here, and while this has actually been the case since I first got here in 2019 to a certain degree, my 2DS breaking in 2020 only made me want to spend time doing things online here even more, while simultaneously making it much harder for me to do so. (Thank God my dad lets me use his tablet to get online now.)
It is not an exaggeration to say that I spend almost all of my time offline thinking about what I am going to do the next time that I am online, and that the time that I spend here, on SocialCu.be, on Discord, and on Pokémon Showdown are the only things that I look forward to each day.
The Gen 9 Pokémon games Scarlet and Violet Versions (which look REALLY cool BTW) have already been announced, and despite the fact that I actually had the latest Pokémon games when I first came here back in April of 2019 (by which I mean Pokémon Ultra Moon Version), I am soon going to be not 1, but 2 generations behind many of my fellow Pokémon fans here, and since Pokémon is pretty much the only thing that I've been able to play for the past few years, I truly do feel left out of everything most of the time, even more than I did back in 2019. (And I didn't even mention my mother dying 2 months ago yet. My life SUCKS!)
Anyway, now that I got all of that negative stuff out of my system, let me try to make some Lemonade out of all of these sour Berries that life has been giving me lately…
(Notice how the Pokémon Center Café baristas in the Alola games say that Lemonade is made out of Berries rather than lemons? What's up with that, lol?)
While it is hasn't exactly turned out like I had hoped it would, I have been able to do some battles (including against some of my friends from here on Paint) on Pokémon Showdown recently, and it turns out that I'm actually pretty good at VGC 2022, NatDex AG, and even Gen 8 OU Single battles after all, despite having no prior experience with any of the Gen 8 stuff, and having gone well over a year without playing anything newer than Gen 5. (Which made me feel a lot better about myself, since Pokémon has always been one of the few things that I actually believed that I was good at.)
Additionally, I now have a far better understanding of Smogon's tiering system than I once did, and while I still disagree with a lot of it (and am still working on my own alternative tiering system) I now feel comfortable enough with it that I'd be able to come up with a team for an OU Single or Double battle in any gen, without too much difficulty adjusting to their once unfamiliar battle formats. (Which is more than I could've said last year.)
And while I am still working on it, I believe that I have decided on the ruleset for that (long overdue) Pokémon tournament that I had announced back in 2019, and I plan on trying to hold it sometime this or next month, depending on what timing works best for both y'all and myself. (See this blog for the latest information on it.)
Also, although I cannot play my more modern Pokémon games ATM, I can still write about them, and while it would be impossible for me to write as many Pokémon blogs as I did back in 2019 or 2020, I have begun to (slowly) start writing them again, and plan to release plenty more of them in the near future. (I am prioritizing quality over quantity, though.)
Life is very hard for me RN, and not being able to play most of my favorite video games (Pokémon or otherwise) makes it that much worse for me, but I still remain optimistic that I will be able to see all of my Gen 6 and Gen 7 Pokémon again someday, and until I do, I can still try to share my 23 years of knowledge, experience, and (most important of all) fun with y'all, and that is exactly what I plan to do, to the best of my abilities. (And if you have a copy of Ω Ruby or α Sapphire and haven't already, please check out my Super Secret Base in Ω Ruby Version, by scanning the QR code below.)
I'm sorry things are hard and getting harder, but it's great to see that you're still making lemonade out of the berries life gives you. Or as a nerdy Zelda player would say, making delicious soup out some old Ordon goat cheese you found in a chest in the ruins of a large mansion in the middle of an icy mountain range while just trying to find a simple key. You can probably figure out my favorite game from that reference if you know enough about Zelda locations...
06 Jul 2022 07:43
In reply to Siling-La
Lol! Yeah, that’s a good comparison, actually. (IDK why, but my dad never got around to playing Twilight Princess for some reason, and he certainly wasn’t going to let me or my sister play “his” game.)
07 Jul 2022 18:02
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Ah I see. But he just has it lying around? And does he have the Gamecube, Wii, or Wii U version?
08 Jul 2022 08:08
In reply to Siling-La
GameCube version, and it’s sitting neatly on a shelf (unlike most things in this place), and he’s put it in our GameCube (and our Wii) multiple times and let it play through the title screen video and stuff, but he never actually played it.
The last Zelda game he played was Majorca’s Mask (and that was a LONG time ago), and he was repulsed by Wind Waker (mostly because of Toon Link), and while he seemed genuinely interested in playing Twilight Princess, he just stopped playing console games at a certain point. (He eventually only wound up playing a single fantasy RPG for the PC, and he barely even plays that anymore.)
08 Jul 2022 08:13
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Oh I see. Well, if it ever comes up in conversation, let him know it's definitely worth playing. (and pushing through the first two days you spend in the village at the beginning of the game.)
08 Jul 2022 08:40
In reply to Siling-La
I will, thanks! (And if he loosens up some, maybe he’ll even let me play it!)
BTW, I’ve only played a few different Zelda games before myself, although I enjoyed them quite a bit: A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Majora’s Mask.
(Notice how I was able to successfully stop autocorrect from making me say “Majorca’s Mask” like last time, lol?)
08 Jul 2022 20:44
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Did you ever finish any?
08 Jul 2022 23:50
In reply to Siling-La
A Link to the Past, but I never did finish the other 2 IIRC.
09 Jul 2022 06:03
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Oh cool. And did you play OoT and MM on a N64?
09 Jul 2022 06:19
In reply to Siling-La
Yep, although we also own that Collector’s Edition game for the GameCube, which has those two, the original The Legend of Zelda, and The Adventure of Link, as well as a 15 minute (IIRC) demo of Wind Waker on it.
(We got it for free with our GameCube when we bought it.)
09 Jul 2022 06:28
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Wow. That's really cool. I actually only own 3 of the games (Twilight Princess Wii, Phantom Hourglass DS, and Link's Awakening GB) and have had to use other people's devices or emulators in order to play others.
09 Jul 2022 06:41
In reply to Siling-La
Ah, I see…
Being old, I’d probably have to say (like a lot of people my age, AFAIK) that A Link to the Past was my favorite, although the transformation thing in Majora’s Mask was also really cool.
My sister actually played Wind Waker BTW, and Dad (barely) played Skyward Sword when we rented it years ago, but most of the Zelda stuff I’m familiar with is the stuff from the home console games before the Wii.
(I’ve played Link plenty of times in Smash Bros. Brawl, though.)
09 Jul 2022 06:49
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Yeah, I'm only halfway through it (on an emulator sadly) but I've loved it and being a Zelda nerd who has almost all the lore and stories of each game in his head, I already know the plot and ending and can say it's really good. However, nothing beats the experience of playing through it, so even though the story is "spoiled" for me, the adventure sure isn't.
09 Jul 2022 06:53
In reply to Siling-La
Yeah, it’s definitely different playing through it yourself, and in between those 2 things I’d say is watching a playthrough or something.
(Even that’s not quite the same thing as actually playing the game yourself, though.)
Of course, I’m kinda thinking about Pokémon as I type this, lol! (It applies to video games in general though, really.)
09 Jul 2022 07:16
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Yeah, that's true. I've always admired the games that can kind of take you out of this world and place you in another one that seems very real and you can experience in a realish sort of way.
09 Jul 2022 07:25
In reply to Siling-La
Yep! Same here.
Hopefully I’ll be able to make games like that myself someday. (Just gotta keep on hoping and praying for it, y’know?)
09 Jul 2022 07:29
In reply to Draconid_Jo